Qanon Bring the Pain, Pain, Pain, digs up some rabbit holes with interesting elites and networks!

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)

In this particular Q drop he staggers the word pain. I realize there is much here that all researchers have in the past and will continue to attend with Google along with other platforms and their role of control and censoring. Not to mention ES and what has been done in NK. This post is meant to attend to the Pain, Pain and Pain.

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I find it interesting how the letters align.

This is what you get when going down vertically. So just allow me some speculation and rabbit hole spelunking.
P could be Potus
AP could be Associated Press or Access Point
IAP could be IAP Worldwide Services

Digging deeper into this program I find many interesting facets. On their website they tout that they use a,
" global network of integrated capabilities to ensure the U.S. government is capable of fulfilling its many missions in any dynamic environment. We are prepared to meet the challenges of the global environment."

When you poke around into their about page, you find statements like this,
"AP is a leading provider of global-scale logistics, facilities management, and advanced professional and technical services. With more than 2,000 employees in more than 25 countries around the world, we solve our public and private sector customers’ most demanding challenges.
For us, we engage the “unexpected.” From natural disasters to overseas battlefields, we are ready at a moment’s notice — with the experience to plan, coordinate and carry out complicated logistical and technical challenges. We maintain, manage, and operate military installations the size of a small city, civilian facilities, and remote research laboratories. IAP delivers the people, technologies, and program management required to support its customers’ workforce flexibility needs around the globe.

For more than 60 years, we have built a reputation as a responsive and reliable market leader, not only meeting, but exceeding customer expectations. The issues that keep our customers up at night are the same ones that get us out of bed in the morning. It’s how we set ourselves apart – by adopting our customers’ missions as our own, channeling our passion, conviction, and experience into inventive solutions and exceptional results."

There are various sections, but this one caught my eye, "Government Contract Vehicles
Learn more about the contract vehicles that allow us to share our experience, ingenuity, and dedication with government, defense, and national security agencies."

Their capabilities include, "Capabilities
Learn more about our global-scale logistics, facilities management, and advanced professional and technical services.

Government Services
Expeditionary Infrastructure
Power Services

Within the site you can poke around in these links to dig deeper.

Very interesting to poke around their history as they say they have been there from the Beginning!

For example, in 1990 in 2005 you will find this statement,
IAP acquires JCWS and its wholly-owned subsidiary Readiness Management Support (RMS) to form IAP Worldwide Services. Specializing in three lines of business — Global Operations and Logistics, Base Operations Support Services and Professional and Technical Services — the company builds on its reputation and experience to solve complex problems and respond to changes in our rapidly-evolving global environment." Just interesting.

Then in 2006 even more interesting,
IAP acquires G3 Systems Ltd., a British engineering company operating in the UK and overseas. G3 provides its government, commercial and international clients with a wide range of facilities, services and solutions, ranging from deployable, modular systems to fixed infrastructure and associated support services. G3 has the capability to design, deliver, operate and maintain equipment and facilities on a global basis, based upon its understanding and experience of operating in challenging locations and harsh environments."

1953 heralds the opening up of Airport Master Planning, that's rather useful for a Global Mission.
Pan Am World Services, Inc. begins building and operating America’s first space launch complex base in Cape Canaveral, FL. The company supports testing for more than 2,500 launches, including early air-breathing missiles and the manned shuttle program.

Over the next 45 years, the company begins to provide full facilities maintenance support, including airport master planning, construction management and engineering services."

Of course their hands have been in the energy deals as is heralded in 1989, "MANAGEMENT AND
Johnson Controls, Inc. acquires Pan Am Services, Inc. forming Johnson Controls Worldwide Services Inc., becoming a global leader in the operations, maintenance and management of military bases and commercial facilities.

JCWS develops innovative new ways to increase energy efficiency while automating a facility’s environmental control, lighting, fire and security systems, and provides technical support and temporary personnel services for its growing customer base."

Guess who just joined their Board of Directors recently? Mike Rogers. As you will recall he was influential in trying to pass the CISPA. The House passed it in 2012 but they couldn't get it to pass in the Senate.

Mike Rogers was a Representative from Michigan from 2001 to 2015 and was on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence from 2011 to 2015.

This is what an article found in techdirt states,
"It would appear that Rep. Mike Rogers, the main person in Congress pushing for CISPA, has kept rather quiet about a very direct conflict of interest that calls into serious question the entire bill. It would appear that Rogers' wife stands to benefit quite a lot from the passage of CISPA, and has helped in the push to get the bill passed. It's somewhat amazing that no one has really covered this part of the story, but it highlights, yet again, the kind of activities by folks in Congress that make the public trust Congress less and less.

It has seemed quite strange to see how strongly Rogers has been fighting for CISPA, refusing to even acknowledge the seriousness of the privacy concerns. At other times, he can't even keep his own story straight about whether or not CISPA is about giving information to the NSA (hint: it is). And then there was the recent ridiculousness with him insisting that the only opposition to CISPA came from 14-year-old kids in their basement. Wrong and insulting.

Of course, as we've noted all along, all attempts at cybersecurity legislation have always been about money. Mainly, money to big defense contractors aiming to provide the government with lots of very expensive "solutions" to the cybersecurity "problem" -- a problem that still has not been adequately defined beyond fake scare stories. Just last month, Rogers accidentally tweeted (and then deleted) a story about how CISPA supporters, like himself, had received 15 times more money from pro-CISPA group that the opposition had received from anti-CISPA groups.

So it seems rather interesting to note that Rogers' wife, Kristi Clemens Rogers, was, until recently, the president and CEO of Aegis LLC a "security" defense contractor company, whom she helped to secure a $10 billion (with a b) contract with the State Department. The company describes itself as "a leading private security company, provides government and corporate clients with a full spectrum of intelligence-led, culturally-sensitive security solutions to operational and development challenges around the world."

Hmm. Sounds like a company like that would benefit greatly to seeing a big ramp up in cybersecurity FUD around the globe, and, with it, big budgets by various government agencies to spend on such things. Indeed, just a few months ago, Rogers penned an article for Washington Life Magazine all about evil hackers trying to "steal information." In it, there's a line that might sound a wee-bit familiar, referring to the impression of hackers as being "the teenager in his or her parent's basement with bunny slippers and a Mountain Dew." Apparently, both of the Rogers really have a thing about teens in basements The article is typical FUD, making statements with no proof, including repeating the NSA's ridiculous allegation that hackers have led to the "greatest transfer of wealth in American history." It's such a good line, except that it's completely untrue. The top US companies have recently admitted to absolutely no damage from such attacks. The article also lumps in "hacktivists" like Anonymous, as if they're a part of this grand conspiracy that needs new laws."

See more here

Interestingly through all of this fear, uncertainty and doubt, Kristi Rogers also discussed in her Washington Life article (Print version) how important and necessary it was to pass cybersecurity legislation in Congress.

The author, Mike Masnick in techdirt also states this, "A few months ago, on one of his FUD-filled talks about why we need cybersecurity, Rogers claimed that it was all so scary that he literally couldn't sleep at night until CISPA was passed due to an "unusual source" threatening us. The whole statement seemed odd, until you realize that his statement came out at basically the same time as his wife's fear-mongering article about cybersecurity. I guess when your pillow talk is made up boogeyman stories about threats that don't actually exist, it might make it difficult to fall asleep."

Masnick also points out how underhanded it appears that while writing the article Kristi never discloses that her husband is pushing to pass the CISPA bill.

Her article was titled Halting Hackers with Good Cyber Hygiene. There is a link here and if you flip through the digital mag, you can find it starting on page 34.

It's interesting how this phrase she began took root. Just do a clean search and you will see something similar to this in the results,
US military strategy: we'll halt hackers with "cyber hygiene ...
US military strategy: we'll halt hackers ... the Department of Defense is calling for a system of "good cyber hygiene ... As for threats from hackers and ...
Search domain arstechnica.com
The Importance of Cyber Hygiene in Cyberspace
The Importance of Cyber Hygiene in ... Cyber criminals and hackers are trying different ... "We need individuals to practice good cyber hygiene and safe ...
Search domain resources.infosecinstitute.com

It gets more interesting when you find where she is at now and has been before. In an article published this year 2018 on January 3, it states, "she’s working to help other CEOs, politicians and top influencers cut through the Washington gridlock to get things done."

According to the article, "Co-founder of Principal to Principal, Rogers and business partner Rachel Pearson envisioned a setting in which C-suite leaders could get around partisanship and focus on crucial policy decisions.

This shows how these people are Always connected and able to network their web.

"“Rachel and I both understood that policymakers in D.C. needed to hear directly from CEOs — the job creators — not only from inside the Beltway but from outside as well,” Rogers said. “We conceived of Principal to Principal — name, logo, mission and all — on a flight back from Gabon, where I had been working on behalf of Aspen with Gabon’s Ministry of Health.”

“Our objective was and is to convene CEOs and C-suite executives from across the country with senior members of the House, Senate and executive branch in an intimate, off-the-record setting to discuss the most pressing issues and challenges confronting our nation,” Rogers said. “The meetings, usually dinners, are always bipartisan and bicameral when possible. This effort has proven to be personal, substantive and worthwhile to all who participate, often leading to real progress.”

Rogers said P2P, which was founded in 2014, continues growing its deep networks and strengthening proficiency across diplomatic, political and business communities in D.C."

I believe we have All seen what is up with much of D.C. and their "operations and connections."

Apparently her earlier work was with the departments of Transportation, Defense and U.S Customs and Border Protection.

The Washington Exec states, "Among her top career experiences is her work growing the D.C. office for London-based risk management and security company Aegis LLC, where she was president and CEO 2006 to 2011.

Apparently within five years that D.C. operation grew from 2 to just under 1,000. Interesting!

After her work there she co-founded and became managing director and CEO of Aspen Healthcare Services/Aspen Medical International. Under her leadership, Aspen successfully ran full-service medical clinics in Liberia and Sierra Leone, including nine Ebola treatment units.

It is also important to note she spent nine months in Iraq from 2003 to 2004 working for the Department of Defense.

No denying Mike Rogers wife definitely gets around and has quite the network on a global scale! Now her husband works for IAP.

They didn't ever get that CISPA passed, with the P for protection. It ended up buried in a spending bill Obama passed in 2014 as the Cyber Security Information Security Act. He put up a show for the Civil Liberties Union and other organizations of not wanting to trample on people's rights, but I believe we all know what he was up to from previous information I and others have covered concerning his bragging about the database he had and clearly used to his advantage on the American Public and their data.

There is a form of this act still trying to make it's way through that was introduced under the name,
H.R.3010 - Promoting Good Cyber Hygiene Act of 2017 now through the committees of Science, Space and Technology.

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You will find more issues, organizations and goals of interest if you go and poke around the IAP page.

Info like this,
Posted: August 25th, 2017
IAP wins $72 million contract for SEMA ISR pilot and flight operations support
ALEXANDRIA, Va., 25 August 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. announced that it won the U.S. Army’s contract to provide support to ISR pilot and flight operations for the Fixed Wing Project Office overseas. The work supported by Avenge, Inc. and valued at $72million, will be performed under the Rapid Response Third Generation (R23G) contract vehicle.

Back to the Q drop.
AP access point. I could really go into depth here, but out of time and probably attention spans. You will recall a certain patent when Hillary worked as an attorney and much of what she did was to work on patent law. Why?

Remember, Obama also associated with SERCO who runs the United States patent office. One is the QRS11 gyro chip brokered by Hillary.

SERCO cherry pics all technologies like the Boeing uninterruptible auto pilot.

The most important part is the backdoor into every device, machine, etc. Where does this lead? What capabilities and ultimate control does it give and empower?

Now onto the NIA part briefly. Could really go into another tunnel on this one, but here is the summary and you can go poke around.

Site states, "NIA Community Service Network's mission, "Building strong children, strong families and strong communities," is evidenced through our vital work that directly supports and enriches the lives of so many each day.

Thousands of participants are served each year in NIA after-school programs, summer day camps, cultural arts and recreation programs; through youth and family counseling services, community assistance, referral, and senior support services; through awareness and prevention initiatives, special events, and community meetings."

Their community services network is based in New York and they of course are a 501c3. Those of you who know me, know first hand Exactly what I think of that literal deal!

One of their statements is about bringing everyone in even to the "gardens." Wasn't Obama's portrait in a garden or flower bed of sorts. Fascinating!

One can't fail to mention the bullying tactics and aggression regarding the latest Bilderberg meeting and the EU trying to get the their legislation passed.

The Guardian states, "In a key vote on a draft law to overhaul EU copyright rules, the parliament’s legal affairs committee on Wednesday voted for measures that would require the likes of Google and Microsoft to install filters to prevent users from uploading copyrighted materials.

The MEPs voted narrowly for the provision, despite warnings from some of the biggest names in the internet, and civil liberties campaigners, that the law would damage freedom of expression, while entrenching the power of the biggest companies and loading costs on to European startups.

The plans still have to be agreed with representatives from the EU’s 28 governments before becoming law, but the vote reduces the chances of serious changes.

Opponents of the law vowed to fight on when the legislation comes before all MEPs for a final vote."

So what are your thoughts concerning this organization? Am I reaching too far into the alignment of letters and spelunking too far into another dimension? Please let me know in the comments below. Rest assured for evil the pain is indeed going to come!


Here is their facebook


Good article; I'm impressed with the level of research and detail.

It's quite difficult to follow the meaning of Q posts; even if it is not what was intended, you seem to have found quite the trove.

Keep it up.

Thank you! Always nice when other people committed to the side of Good appreciate the investment of time and energy to try to Wake others up!

He may be pointing to something else or in many cases their are multiple meanings. Can help but think it is very fascinating IAP was at the helm of the first space launch complex And the planning and managing of construction for airports and their engineering services. Something to think about as they had their hands in the shuttle program (Kubrick).