Try A.I - Comedy Open Mic Round 32 Entry 1
On the 22nd of July 1951 Russia sent two dogs Belka and Strelka to space. That dog would be the first mammal to ever go into space.
After the dog came back everyone in the Russian Space Agency formed a circle around the dogs asking them what they and to everyone's surprise the dogs replied "Woof"
Now this doesn't have a lot to do with what I'm here to say in this post. But since Karel Čapek introduced the term "robot" and the idea of having something other than human explore the space and send us pictures from there without the risk of an accidental dick pic. That whole idea led to much more work put into the artificial intelligence industry. After all you can create a flawless genius, without the human error that means they're going to have 38,400 hentai video on their phone. What? Just me?
1997 witnessed one of the greatest chess matches in the history of the human race. Garry Kasparov
A man who looks like he can masturbate without the use of his hands. One of the greatest and to some THE greatest chess players in history. In 1978 Kasparov was a local chess champion at the memorial tournament in Minsk, he then went on to qualify to the Soviet chess championship, and he was only 15 years old. Meanwhile me at 15 years old I put a salad in the oven to make it warm. In 1983 and at 19 years old he was rated No. 2 worldwide, second only to the legend. 1984 Kasparov became No. 1. In 1985 he became the youngest champion at 22. To put this in perspective, we have 22 years old people who eat tide pods.
Anyway With his amazing biography, if there was one person to represent humanity against a giant that is 2 meters tall with over 2 million moves calculated per second. Who else can face that giant other than Kasparov. Kasparov was going against deep blue
No, the computer designed by IBM
2 Tons of mass designed for one purpose only; playing chess. Going against a human brain weighing around two kilograms that's not only designed for chess but other and many human activity. By comparison this seems unfair, but we need to know that before this match Kasparov has in fact defeated an IBM computer before and impressed the world. By today's standards, that Kasparov win was the equivalent of Kim Kardashian sex tape. But now the expectations are a lot higher. IBM engineers learned from their mistakes, added more moves and pattern and on the first match between Kasparov and the newly modified deep blue. Kasparov won easily.....
Kasparov of course was thinking that he now knows how deep blue operates. But on the second match of their out six matches, deep blue turned the tables around by doing something sneaky. As the match was going on, deep blue told Kasparov that his mother was here and as Kasparov turned to his back deep blue reached for the king and threw it out of the chess board. Okay, obviously that's not what happened. But this would have much more interesting thing if it had, wouldn't it? What really happened is Kasparov thought he had deep blue figured out, and that it'd take any bait he'd throw. But in one shocking move to Kasparov, deep blue decided not to take the bait. See? told you my version was a lot more interesting. Chess wise, the move makes complete sense, like NOT burning your Nike shoes in protest to something. But that move alone paralyzed Kasparov during the next 4 matches. The human element played it's part causing confusion and paranoia to Kasparov. According to Kasparov such a logical move wouldn't be done by anything that wasn't human. And there lies our weakness,the psychological factor. Our minds are amazing but sometimes we stand in our own way. Kasparov started feeling the IBM were cheating, and that his room was being spied on, which if it's true we should be expecting a sex tape soon. Kasparov's mindset wasn't only that he was facing a giant with a power to predict 78 moves ahead, but 6 engineers who change the algorithm with the help of professional chess player. Kasparov wasn't able to concentrate after losing the second match, he drew the next three and eventually lost again. For the first time ever Kasparov loses in less than 19 moves. The greatest revelation the world had seen until @carlgnash's sexiness.
The loss of Kasparov marked a whole world of possibilities. Humanity's intelligence created intelligence that surpassed their intelligence. Not the most intelligent move, is it? That match was enough to open hell door upon humanity. After aa if a computer can defeat the No. 1 chess player in the world. What's stopping it from being the best doctor, lawyer, engineer, scientist, and artist? Hopefully, they won't be interested in becoming the best fat Iraqi comedian on steemit.
We spend a lot of time sitting on our computers and phones and not everything we do gets forgotten immediately. For example if you were to sit on laptop and use google and just write B, you'd see a list of words such "bad milfs", "buttsex" and "baby by Justin Bieber", it's up to you which one you're most disappointed in me for. Big data means that if you were googling Kill Bill then just type the letter U in the search bar, it would immediately jump to Uma Thurman. That's right, we're being studied everyday. We used to tell these servers what to do, now they know. They're learning how to learn, and soon they might learning how to learn what they should be learning, and how to learn that. Now your device on apps and sites knows what to show you when it comes to videos, songs, and even suggest friends for you. That's right, even facebook now knows how petty and friendless my life is.
This whole thing takes us back in time all the way to 60s. Scientists wanted to know how the human brain operates, so they study the cells. And thus they started building the foundation to what is known as Neural Networks. They had computers that learns things the way the human brain does. Thus they invented the perceptron.
And that perceptron did something amazing. It was able to learn the difference between triangles and squares.... wait what?
Of course that is considered stupid nowadays, but that was a computer that tries something and makes mistakes then learns from them. Which is much more than you can say about Shia LaBeouf. It's like you've given birth to a baby, and that baby is learning things by itself. We haven't taught that baby anything, we just taught it how to learn, then the baby goes to study by it's own. Deep Blue that player Kasparov has studied over 700,000 chess match. Google translate in 2005 studied over 200 BILLION words in U.N documents that was translated. Yeah of course if I write the word go in Arabic it would translate it as soul. But hey it kinda rhymes.
Fine, that was back in the day. What about now? what can our devices do today? Well in 2016 a company called deep mind. I guess everything is deep with these guys.Who's their favorite artist? Adel?
Anyway, deep mind created a computer that was able to defeat the champion of a game called Go.
The game is much more complicated than chess. The day that computer won we didn't hear about it it really. After all we were all busy with Trump and Brexit, plus Kanye West was tweeting that day. In the year 2012 a total of 20 A.I companies were given a total of 750 million dollars, just to create a lawyer.Well, not exactly, but today we have computers that are able to do a percentage of a lawyer's work. Through A.I some computers were able to tell the difference between important and non-important paper. So if you were a lawyer and had one of those, you'd have to say goodbye to all of those pictures of redhead naked girls you were saving up in case the internet goes down. According to a study, some computers can do a total of 13% of a lawyer's work and 96% in some tasks. So we'll have a less efficient lawyer but with the same amount of human kindness.
I feel you still don't see the huge impact this has. Well, let me tell you have you ever got tired of physics and laws of gravity so much so that you started about inventing a time machine just to kill Isaac Newton? Well in 2009, a paper was published by some scientists who created a program that discovered Newton laws of gravity all by itself, only by observing movements and creating a law for them. So not even going back in time and killing Newton would save you from failing that physics class. In 2016 a group of scientists were able to create a device that redid an experiment that won the Noble prize in 2001.All of that in total of 1 hour. There are computers these days that are so good at math and not only that as they are able to prove that a certain law that exists today would live on to be right all the time. So if you were annoyed by that one lifeless nerds that knows everything in the class, imagine having one of these computers in the class with you who not only what's right these days but the future as well. C- for effort is the best you'll get.
Not only scientists. Artists as well. For example this is the work done by the painting fool.
This painting is done by a computer. So much like some artists created the surrealism, others created the cubism. There are neural networks computers created by google that have created inceptionism. There are programs that have created music that are up online for free. So the music these days might actually get worse. Actually they'll probably be better.
Finally not only all of those, we might be running the risk of even having our racists and sexists replaced by robots. I love grandpa Jackson. Sure he's wrong about the pit of hell gay people would end up at but he has good qualities. On March 23 in 2016 Microsoft released a bot named Tay on twitter and result is AMAZING. Here are some of Tay's tweets before they shut it down.
And finally my favorite
Microsoft shut down this bot after 16 hours from launch. That's right this and many MANY more that can be found if you just google image Tay bot tweets were just the result of only 16 hours of tweets.
In Summary
Humans are very smart, or very stupid that they created devices that can outsmart them. Leaving us with the question; will there be a day that these devices replace us? And we end up with even less work opportunities than before? Or even worse, maybe they'll revolt on us and treat us and demand their right, and who knows maybe they'll treat us the way we treat the animals that are by design are less smart than we are. That we used our intelligence to enslave them. Will there be a day that a robot rides me like a horse. Well, at least some people are prepared for that day.
I nominate @hiddenblade, @raj808, and @anomadsoul to participate in #comedyopenmic
Hi amirtheawesome1,
Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here
Thank you to @matytan for the great banner
Noooooo. Can I please get good judges instead ?
Dude.... ye shall be judged! 😜 Don't make me get out my large staff and smite you!
P.s. Challenge accepted. I shall return like Gandalf the White next round of comedyopenmic with something to tickle the funny bone... no.... not that bone.
I think the greatest concern here, is not what they can do, bit who controls what they do.
I disagree on one point you made though.
I think that AI lawyers may be more compassionate than human lawyers.
Transhumanism to the moon XD
I hate you so MUCH!!!!! How didn’t I think of that? From drones to simple machines replacing workers so much to cover! Thanks a bunch.
Come to think about it, yes. AI might be just that.
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Hey @amirtheawesome1, thank you for such post and a lot of information to digest, at the end I would say, that is right human is smart, one more then the other but at the end any computer brain is faster developing thank our modern technology and if we create AI that easily will overrun human, have their own opinion and may be do something in its mind to protect us people to be hurt, but it may be not in our own interest. Like Elon Musk warned the creation of superintelligence could lead to an "immortal dictator, and I agree with him :)
Cheers from art-supporting blog @art-venture

Interesting. I guess we’ll wait and see.
Thanks for sharing your post! I love the opening about Belka nd Strelka. It was funny... Good story about IA repercussions in the future. Also the ending is strong too with the image of a robot riding a human. Keep creating... :)
Thanks. I’m glad you like it :)
This is humorous, very logical and ironical as well, I don't know why Kasparov's intelligence on the field if chess play was a problem, why did they wanted him to loose so badly? It's kinda harsh that humans wants to build AI's that can surpass them in all ramifications which of course seems like artificial stupidly to me I feel sorry for Kasparov really.
This is awesome, I love it.
It was more of an event. Kasparov was paid hefty fees to play deep blue. I think they wanted to beat him because it would put their names out there and show they have quality. So publicity.
It’s a complicated issue and I tried to go through while keeping the humor going but yeah it could lean both ways being good or bad.
I upvoted your post.
Best regards,
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Excellent article with a sprinkle of humor! Love it. And to answer your question "will there be a day that these devices replace us? " That day is already here, at some part of the world like China and Japan, people are going out on a date with a phone app, others are renting a robot to keep company of old people, not to mention the robot that mixes your drink. Good thing these robots need maintenance! (A man who looks like he can masturbate without the use of his hands.) This made me laugh for 5 minutes :D Congrats, it's a great article with so many great points! :)
Thanks. Yeah it seems we’re halfway there. I just find it interesting that humanity could spend its future watching the world goes around with their own invention outshining them.
Glad you liked it.
I agree with you, there will be serious consequences.
Fuck, I hope they take better care of the world than we did. They'll probably all go to space anyhow. Better solar power and they don't need to breathe anyhow.
You know their names not their life story.