Jesus Is The Reason For the Season?
Happy Good Friday!
Easter is here, and christians around the world are commemorating the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. It is arguably the most important season on the christian calendar. It is more so, than the birth of Christ, for this - the death and resurrection and the promise it brings for the redemption of mankind - is the entire point of the faith.
In these three days, Jesus basically undid what Adam and Eve did in the garden where they handed the keys of life and death to Satan by eating the forbidden fruit, hence opening the door and creating a new path to the Father. It's a little more complicated, but that's the general gist of it.
Harrowing Of Hell
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6
But wait! What's with all the eggs and bunnies?
There was an activity today where by the village children participated in some kind of Easter egg hunt. I'd have joined in, but I already did my own egg hunt in the morning. I remember wasting too much time joking to myself while asking the three white hens which came first, them or the egg? I can report that the question is just as confusing in the hen world as it is in the human one :)
Anyhow, there were eggs everywhere today - some plastic, some chocolate. At the end of the hunt, the children all got chocolate bunnies with a surprise toy inside. Fun times.
What I witnessed today was part of the remnants of old European pre-christian practices. We are in the season of Ēostre, goddess of fertility. Spring time is her time. Her symbols are those things that represent fertility; rabbits, eggs, e.t.c. This is the origin of Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny.
If you didn't already know, you may now have noticed the similarity between Easter and Ēostre. Congratulations, you've discovered the source of the name "Easter". Similar to Yule at Christmas time, these are basically pre-Christian things that go back into ancient times.
What makes me laugh sometimes is when I see non-European christians openly and proudly participate in these ancient, effectively pagan, rituals, but are very quick to demonise their own pre-christian traditions. This is particularly prevalent in Africa. The mere mention of Osun would send some reaching for their prayer beads and saying a prayer of forgiveness for "dabbling in the occult" when in fact Osun is pretty much a West African version of Ēostre - similar attributes.
For those that don't know, or realise, here are some day-to-day things you say or do that derive from ancient, pre-Christian European paganism or mythology.
Days of the week curtesy of Roman and Germanic gods
The planetary bodies (heavenly bodies) were named after their gods, following the 'gods in heaven' paradigm
Dies Solis “the day of the sun (then considered a planet)” - Dimanche (in French) - Sunday
Dies Lunae “the day of the moon” - Lundi (in French) - Moon day - Monday
Dies Martis, “the day of Mars” - Mardi (in French) Day of Twi (Germanic god of war) Tuesday
Dies Mercurii, “the day of Mercury” - Mercredi (in French) Day of Odin (also known as Woden) - Wednesday
Dies Iovis, “the day of Jupiter” - Jeudi (in French) - Thor's day - Thursday
Dies Veneris, “the day of Venus” - Vendredi (in French) - day of Frigga (Germanic goddess, wife of Odin) - Friday
Dies Saturni, “the day of Saturn” - Samedi (in French) - day of Saturn - Saturday
Dimanche in French is arguably the only Christian related one meaning "day of our Lord", probably pointing to the Sabath (seventh day).
I can compile the same list for the months of the year, but I think you get the idea.
Things at Christmas that are of pagan origin:
- Giving of gifts
- Going door to door
- Singing :)
- Kissing under the mistletoe
- The Christmas tree
- Partridges and turtle doves (controversial as they both are also in Christianity), French hens, gold rings...e.t.c, :)
Finally, I would like to wish all Christians a happy Good Friday specifically and a happy Easter generally. I wish the Pagans on here a happy Spring Festival. And, of course, to the adherents of Yoruba tradition the world over, a happy belated Osun Festival.
Explainer: the gods behind the days of the week
Peace and Love ✌🏿
All copy and photos are original content by me.
Very nice article with detailed explanation! Heard about the Pagan background in most religious celebrations. You ought to run a series on this subject!
Very good read too! Most enjoyable!
Thank you very much.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I like your explanation, people do not realize that they mix paganism and God does not like that. But as tradition becomes, people do it and often have no idea of its meaning.
Happy easter to you @adetorrent.
Thank you, and to you.
Thank you.
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Interesting facts that show how evolution occurs across society throughout time! Have a great one!
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Hey! Nice to see your recent delegation to @ocdb, hope you're enjoying the returns and knowing your stake is helping a lot of authors grow. :)
If you would consider voting for our witness @ocd-witness we would really appreciate it.
Thanks. Yes I suck at curation, and it seems ocdb is one of the only groups doing it right.
I'll do the witness vote too.. Cheers.
Thank you! That means a lot to us as that's exactly what we're aiming for. :)